26 August 2010

Ghostpoet x Kwesachi

Sorry I know I always chat about Ghostpoet and Kwes, but they are sick and they are my friends, alas such nepotism. Peep some of their new stuff here.

Latest tracks by ghostpoet


24 August 2010

The PSM - What you didn't see at Secret Garden Party

Rohan Blair- Magnat is a young documentry film maker, who's been making some interesting moves in motion picture (and also festivals when he has the time.) Check out his most recent work, a documentry where he follows Gorilla Sound System at the Secret Garden Party, earlier this month.

The PSM from Rohan Blair-Mangat on Vimeo.

lots of love

The Janes



The Bang Bang returns this saturday 28th August just in time to limber and warm you up for carnival, word on the grape vine is they've got a jerk Chicken Drum outside, free whistles and free shots for early comers, a real Carnival Queen, and a masterclass on stage of Carnival/bashment dancemoves past and present, with prizes for the best/bravest movers on the night!

On the decks they've got DJ's Motive (Party'N'Bullshit), Snips (Living Proofs wheel man), Ben 'RD7' Rogers, Joby Weston, Shook 1's, and Akimi a member of the PJ Collective.

Make sure you hit it up as last time round they had a surprise Male dancer for ladies............. god knows whats going to go down this time.

Here are the details it's @ Bar 512, 512 Kingsland Rd, Dalston from 10pm to 5am, FREE before 11pm £5 on the G-list £7 on the door.

Love the Janes


Peroni Nastro Azzurro Accademia del Film Wrap Party Tour

To celebrate Italian film and the unique art of Italian film-making, Peroni Nastro Azzurro and award-winning Italian film director Gabriele Muccino are bringing the Peroni Nastro Azzurro Accademia del Film Wrap Party Tour to eleven cities around the country.

The ‘Academy’ will celebrate Italian film over a series of initiatives illustrating how Italian film can make the ordinary extraordinary.

The Accademia del Film is designed to share and promote the uniqueness of Italian film in the UK and support up and coming film talent. Seven up-and-coming UK film-making talent, including a set designer, a composer, a make-up artist, a producer and a director - all selected by Muccino himself, filmed ‘Senza Tempo’ for Peroni Nastro Azzurro on location in Rome earlier this year.

The tour will run nationwide with a launch in London on the 26th August until November 2010. Each ‘wrap party’ gives all film enthusiasts an exclusive chance to immerse themselves in the beautiful world of Italian cinema, where guests are invited to discover what is unique about Italian film. Visitors will be invited to enter luxury, bespoke cinema cubes to discover more about Italian Cinema, check if it's coming to a city near you.


Artist Sri captures hearts with her feminine touch

PJ's are currently loving the work by London based Artist Sri Mckinnon who's current exhibition 'Archiapelgo'illustrates the nostalgia she has for the lush and tropical landscapes she experienced as a child growing up in South East Asia.

Just to let you know it's shit hot!!!!!

Her work speaks to you like a lightly floating dream you don't want to wake up from, depicting ethereal scenes fused with a gentle surrealist and mystic qualities where nature and femininity dominate her work .

If you haven't had time to peak her exhibition there's still time, it's running till the 13th September at the Eastpak Shop in Carnaby Street.

Lots of Love



18 August 2010

Courvoisier Summer of Punch

It was not to long ago that people were saying that staying in was the new going out, then summer came along and quickly we were all back outside again. Could we not somehow find the best of both worlds for those of us for those of us who just like hanging with our mates, indoors, outdoors, up in the air or boozying it up in deserted and secret spaces.

Hopefully the Courviosier Summer punch campaign should get you mobile, they've teamed up with Foursquare to bring you the chance to win exclusive Punch Kits containing everything needed to recreate the punch experience with friends at home, as well as a grand prize of a VIP weekend for two at the Courvoisier Château in Jarnac, France. Mega Plush for those with expensive tastes.

All you've got to do is hit the one of the bars listed below, ‘Check-In’ to the venue via Foursquare and then send in a photo of yourself with a Courvoisier Punchbowl via Facebook or Twitter at http://www.facebook.com/courvoisieruk http://www.twitter.com/CourvoisierUK hash tag #summerofpunch. Best picture every night wins One Punch Kit.

For more info check out http://summerofpunch.com

I'll be taking the most stupid pictures of me doing this next week.

Participating Bars

Aragon House
The Gun
The Well
The Lost Angel
Bar Du Musee
The lost society
The Hawksmoor


12 August 2010

Major Lazer - Notting Hill Carnival 2010

Major Lazer, for the 3rd year running is taking over Notting Hill Carnival AGAIN!! Last year we one of the best Carnival’s that I’ve been to without doing the same old walking in the street, which I like but I get bored after.

In association with Red Bull Music Academy, Major Lazer will be putting on the hottest show of Carnival. Major Lazer, Douster, Poirier, Sticky, Joker, David Rodigan and Drop The Lime will host the annual Red Bull Carnival Party, offering the hottest ticket of the Notting Hill Carnival Bank Holiday Weekend.

To get on the guest list, sign up (www.redbull.co.uk/carnivaltickets) on Monday the 16th of August from 9AM. 1st come, 1st served. You don’t want to miss this!!

Inflatable ORGANISMS!...

Another depiction of beauty within natural organisms...

Balloon sculptures by artist Jason Hackenwerth

4 August 2010

I love a man with Tats and lego!

There are two things which have always really puzzled and eluded me since I was a child 1) Whether I would ever swallow the bullet and get a tatoo (not sure about how i feel about being 60 saggy and illustrated) 2) How I could use lego men to live out my dreams and create mass havoc in a lego brick world of destruction.

Whilst I am still unable to decide what to do about these things The ads were done by GREY are a step closer than I am to finding the answers.